
About Me

Hello and welcome! I'm Stoyan Peev, a full stack developer based in Gloucester, UK.

My journey began with Codecademy's Full Stack Engineer career path, where I discovered the joy of solving complex problems and seeing my projects come to life through code. Since then I have developed a genuine passion for coding and a desire to learn and grow in the field.

With over a year of freelance experience, I've been fortunate to work on a variety of web development projects. My background in landscape photography has given me a keen eye for detail, which I strive to apply to my work in creating user-friendly and efficient interfaces.

I've always enjoyed combining creativity with technical skills. Using Adobe's creative suite, including Photoshop and Lightroom, has helped me enhance my visual storytelling and bring a unique perspective to my development projects.

Moving from Bulgaria to the UK in 2015 taught me the importance of adaptability and embracing new experiences. These lessons have been invaluable as I navigate the ever-evolving world of technology.

As I continue to grow and learn in my career, I'm excited about the prospect of collaborating with new clients and contributing to meaningful projects. If you're looking for a developer who is passionate, eager to learn, and focused on delivering quality work, I'd love to connect. Let's see how we can achieve great things together.